Why Choose Global Japanese Language Academy for your carrer?

Global Japanese Academy has been established to help students in pursuing their studies abroad. Global Japanese Academy Consultancy employs skilled and well-trained personnel to provide clients with dependable and timely services. They advise students on programs (courses), schools / institutions, application deadlines, required documentation, and so on.

Best counseling

We specialise in providing a wide range of services to students aspiring to study in Japan from counselling them in choosing the right institution and helping with their visa application to welcoming them in Japan and helping them settle with the Japanese life.

We Guide Your Dream

The most astounding matter is that the language taught to student in Nepal is quite different from native tongue so to solve this problem we have Native speakers to teach

Better Success Rate

Global Japanese Langauage Academy is one of the top consultancy in Nepal for Japan as we are leading education

Message From Chairman

Welcome to Global Japanese , the premier one-stop shop for international students interested in studying and living in Japan. And in doing so, we always prioritize our customers' well-being and happiness. All of the services we provide from our ten g...

Umesh Aryal

Message From Managing Director

Welcome to Global Japanese , the premier one-stop shop for international students interested in studying and living in Japan. And in doing so, we always prioritize our customers' well-being and happiness. All of the services we provide from our ten g...

Global Japanese Academy

Our Partners

Service we provide

Are you interested in studying abroad? Choose the your dream country:

Admission Guidelines

We guide the students for admission through offline and online process. We help you to

Career Counseling

When the students come to visit us then we make conversation, mentoring and counseling on

Finance Assistance

We assist you to prepare all the required financial documents for your chosen

Pre-Departure Orientation

We conduct pre-departure orientation which provides information about working career and

Scholarship Guidance

While you are planning to study abroad, you may have fear because of financial

Student Screening

Japanese Global is an experienced agency in background checks of Students eligibility for enrollment. Universities, colleges and education providers turn to us because of our safe, secure

Our Mission

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur elit, sed do eiusmod tempor ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Our Plan

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem doloremque laudantium, totam rem.

Our Vision

Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aut odit aut fugit, sed quia magni dolores.

Our Care

Nostrum eum sed et autem dolorum perspiciatis. Magni porro quisquam laudantium voluptatem.


Mohammad Ruiz

Vitae itaque rerum a

Qui dolor perferendi

Julie Jones

Tempore reiciendis

Id consequat Enim

Jared Romero

Temporibus vitae ver

Numquam aliquam nihi

Stella Guerrero

Dolor mollit officii

Id accusantium et v

suman koirala


i found really good

Countries We Apply